Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Converting ArcGIS to Autocad: the easy way

This is a simple methodology for converting ESRI ArcGIS shapefiles to AutoCAD dxf format. This post will be very brief, because this process is relatively simple. There are two methods of doing this that I use depending on the ArcGIS version:

Method 1: For ArcView and ArcEditor
If you are stuck with either of the lesser licences, use this method. If you have ArcInfo (the top licence), skip to method 2.

1) Open ArcCatalogue
2) Select the shapefile you wish to convert.
3) right click on it and select export... then shapefile to DXF...
4) Select an output path (dont worry about decimals for now)

You can repeat this process in ArcGIS the same way and select batch if you wish to do this to multiple shapefiles at once.

Method 2: For those of us with ArcInfo

1) Open ArcCatalogue
2) Select the shapefile you wish to convert.
3) right click on it and select export... then click Export to CAD
4) Then select DWG. You can export directly to a DWG file with ArcInfo. If you dont have ArcInfo use method 1 and cry.

Reading my additional articles on importing ArcGIS into AutoCAD for more information...