Thursday, January 24, 2008

Google Earth to ArcGIS: Exporting KMZ, KML from GE successfully

This ties in with an earlier post of mine. I thought that it didn't give enough details about how to export each of the different types of digitized areas you can create in Google Earth.

The intention, for me, to export this data, is to get it into ArcGIS. If you are looking for methodology for moving Google Earth data to ArcGIS, please read my other post about it.

Saving Google Earth Data as KML or KMZ

Saving and individual point is very straightforward. Right click on the point, click save as, then choose where you would like to save the KMZ file.

To save a polygon or a line - go to the Places pane, expand My Places..., then right click on the feature you wish to save, click save as... and you're done.

If you wish to save multiple features into one KML data set (so you can import them into ArcGIS as one layer), there is currently no methodology for this.