This is the first of a series of articles I will be publishing on data interoperability between Google Earth and ArcGIS 9.2 (9.1 and possibly earlier as well)
Bringing Stuff from Google Earth to ArcGIS...
If you have made a placemark or a polygon, or a polyline in Google Earth, it is easy to import them into ArcGIS. All you need to do to bring points/lines/polygons from GE to ArcMap is to do the following:
-Create feature in Google EArth
-Right click on it
-Click Save as....
-Save the KMZ/KML file
-Download ET geowizards (if you haven't already, its an amazing ArcGIS toolset)
-on the in/out tab in ET, select import from Google Earth
-select the parameters
There, you have successfully brought google earth data into ArcView!